'It's been an awesome journey. I can't find the words, only have tears of joy.
The water went back to where it started from and
won't return for 40,000 years.
It will give power and strength to everyone.
And the fire that will be lit all over West Papua and the other islands will warm people's hearts and give them knowledge and peace and will make West Papua too hot for Indonesia to cope with. Indonesia will have to remove themselves.
Keep the drums going, don't give up.
Freedom is not far away.
Shame Indonesia.
Pressure the new Goverment and Abbott.
It seems people are too concerned with money but it's about spirit.
It's a spiritual move. You can't beat our ancient creators.
There will still be sacrifices made because peace always has a price to pay but so be it.We've built up the hopes of the old people inside West Papua,their 50,000 flowers will be still fresh when we go back in.
We're going back as soon as we can work it out.
Papua merdeka' With Love and Respect, Margie and Uncle Kevin Buzzacott, Arabunna elder from Lake Eyre