FREE ... ... ... ... ... ... PAPUA, FREE ... ... ... ... .PAPUA, FREE ............PAPUA, FREE !

Thanks Almighty Lord You give me Homeland, give me a diligent also to convey what I mean.

Brother - sister of fellow countrymen and compatriots papua land, which we respect and I loved before I continue make a speech. Firstly - we must all give thanks to God in the name of Jesus Christ, the God of Israel, God of the Papuan Morning Star glorious, the hero of liberation of Papuans.

Brother - sister of fellow countrymen and compatriots whom I respect and I love, long journey we've been through has been getting closer and has got a bright spot. That is why on behalf of the transitional government of West Papua National Authority to invite all brothers and sisters of West papuan to follow the international mechanisms that have been standardized by the International Law, and therefore sacred struggle of the nation's West Papua towards independence should refer to the corridors of international law.

Brother - sister of fellow countrymen and fellow countrymen, when we speak about freedom it is mean we to talk about establish a state nation country and when speaking about the nation country we also talk about organizers as the instrument of the states nation country include State institutions will run the states nation country we want to going for. West Papuans want independence must have its own government that is (Executive, Legislative, and Yudikative), then must completed the requirements of establish a states nation country that is Territory, Population, Natural resources, Government and finaly last point is point fife(5) is recognizing official will coming from the United Nation/UN

Brother - sister of fellow countrymen and compatriots whom I respect and I love. In resolving the issue of Papua should qualify Trias Politica consisting of the Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. Papua problem can not be resolved by the Governments of the Republic of Indonesia without involving Neutral Party (International), the problem in West Papua should be solved by the citizens of Papua West Papua which is indigenous Papuan who had experienced of victim of crime in the form of humanity; oppression, rape, murder, persecution, robbed and so on by the neo colonialism of Indonesian.

So for that as President of the National Congress of West Papua with the Transitional Government of West Papua National Authority (WPNA) and all the people of West Papua called and stated that efforts will be undertaken by MRP volume II, components, organizations , non-governmental organizations or that whatever form, is legitimated by the law of nations and political unity Agency (KESBANGPOL) of the Republic of Indonesia, I’m President congress declared that it invalid in resolving the issue of Papua. That's why I as the father of the People, the founder of the Democratic Republic of the Free West Papua and all layers of the people of West Papua expressed the attitude that:

Similarly, our submission as President of the National Congress of Democratic Republic of West Papua Merdeka to all the people of West Papua nation, and the International Society for can identify and immediately act upon the issue of Papua through international mechanisms.

1. Transitional Government of West Papua National Authority, along with all the people of West Papua National disagree toward the konference was held by the Network of Peace in Papua (JDP) with others the components called them on the name of the people of Papua, which was held in Jayapura between 5 and 7 July 2011. The conference mentioned above consideration on the name of Indonesian citizen and it is not of the name of real Papuan struggle for independence..

2. Transitional Government of West Papua National Authority, along with all the people of West Papua nation firmly reject all forms of decisions, agreements and political compromises made by JDP go side by side with the government of Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) that is inconsistent with the principle of a Democratic state.

3. Transitional Government of West Papua National Authority, together with all the people of West Papua fully supports all efforts at diplomacy Foreign country are done by Mr. Herman Wainggai, Dr.Jakob Rumbiak with Benny Wenda in encouraging the process of registration lawsuit to the International Supreme Court of the implementation of the 1969 Act of No Choice International and efforts to register the Papuans to the UN Decolonization Committee.

4. We firmly reject all forms of government of Indonesia efforts to maintain Papua’s homeland as part of the Republic of Indonesia.

5. Transitional Government of West Papua National Authority, along with all the people of West Papua nation insists the International Society immediately intervene in the matter in the territory of West Papua because since 1998 till now 2011 legal political status of the territory of West Papua is unclear.

6. Transitional Government of West Papua National Authority, together with all people of the nation of Papua Indonesia urged the Unitarian Republic of Indonesia must immediately return the territory of West Papua to the United Nation based on the UN resolution no. 2504.

7. West papua political issue is international issue should solving by Papuan and Indonesian authority under international as third party.

8. We firmly reject all forms of political engineering by theorganization, components, factions created and facilitated by the government of Indonesia to thwart the efforts ILWP and IPWP.

9. Transitional Government of West Papua National Authority, along with all the people of West Papua firmly reject all forms of decision of the Network of Peace in Papua (JDP).

10. We are all people of Papua fully supports the Transitional Government of West Papua (West Papua National Authority) to get West Papua future by the Rights of Self-Determination

Yapen Waropen Mamberamo, 06 July 2011


GIVEN SPEECH   Rev. ISRAEL TERIANUS Yoku President of the National Congress, WPNA

Supported by:

Governor's Executive Yapen Waropen Mamberamo Region, David Abon

Governor's  Executive Domberai Manokwari, Mark YENU

National Solidarity Papuan Students (SONAMAPA) Region Yapen Waropen Mamberamo, ISAK KAYOI

West Papua's Melanesian Solidarity Youth (SPMPB) Region Yapen Waropen Mamberamo, PATRIUS ROSUMBRE

Women Melanesian Solidarity (MSS) Region Yapen Waropen Mamberamo, YAKOBA BOYKAWAI

National Front Youth Papuan Students (FNMPP) Region Yapen Waropen Mamberamo, Absalon Maniani

Student Organizations Melanesia (OPM) Region Yapen Waropen Mamberamo, Fredo MANGGE

National Front Youth Papuan Students (FNMPP) Manokwari District, Marsel WAHAFIMU

Copies of the Designation:

1. Executive President of the WPNA in Port Numbay

2. Coordinator of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Melbourne Australia WPNA

3. The entire top brass of Governors of West Papua National Authority in Papua

4. The entire top brass political prisoners Prisoners in Papua

5. The entire top brass ILWP in Tanah Papua

6. The entire top brass of West Papua's Melanesian Solidarity Youth for liberation in Tanah Papua

7. The entire top brass of solidarity Women Melanesian Papuans in Papua.

8. Officials throughout the clergy (Catholic, Protestant, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism) in Papua.

9. Officials throughout TNPB in Papua.

10. The whole KNPB in Papua.

11. Entire NGOs as Papua.

12. Archive.