To all components of West Papuan society,
inside and outside of the Land of Papua

Liberation greetings,

The political status of West Papua continues to be one of occupation by the Indonesian Republic. So-called "democratization" in various sectors of life, in particular with respect to "freedom of expression and assembly", is continually neutralized by Jakarta. This is evident in the ongoing arrests, dententions, and accusations of subversion that are used to shield the political status quo from the work of Papuan activists. Therefore, at this time we are announcing to all Papuans both inside Papua and abroad, including Papuan diplomats and all civil society, political and military organizations struggling for West Papua, that:

There will be a peaceful public demonstration to demand the liberation of Papuan political prisoners. This demonstration will be coordinated by the transitional government of the West Papuan people, the West Papua National Authority (WPNA) on:

Date: Friday June 10, 2011
Place: In Papua - Transitional Government Region II Mnuwkar
Abroad - Australia and USA
Headline speaker: Rev. Edison Waromi, SH, Executive President, WPNA

Please forward this announcement widely. For the attention and participation of all West Papuan society, we send our thanks.

Port Numbay, May 11th 2011

Viva WP!
Department of Information and Communication - SONAMAPA
(Papuan Students National Solidarity Organization)

Copies to:

1. Papuan National Consensus in the Land of Papua
2. Executive President, Transitional Government of Papuan People in the Land of Papua
3. President of the National Congress, Transitional Government of Papuan People in the Land of Papua
4. Foreign Affairts Office, Transitional Government of Papuan People in Australia
5. Leadership of Papuan Customary Council (DAP) in Jayapura
6. Leadership of Churches in all the Land of Papua
7. Leadership of Youth and Student Organizations in the Land of Papua
8. Leadership of Women's Organizations in the Land of Papua
9. NGOs in the Land of Papua
10. All components of Papuan Society in Papua and abroad
